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CreatedOn: 20 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 20 May, 2024

One stop clinic For lap.cholecystectomy

About one stop clinic for lap cholecystectomy

OSC for lap. Cholecystectomy is one of the initiatives of the new Model of Care (MoC) in the Al-Qassim

Region, linked within the programs of the planned care system. One-stop clinics are equipped and staffed

so that patients may undergo a range of tests carried out at the same location and in one appointment to

reduce number of visits for each patient and ensure maximum convenience for the patients. It aims to

Accelerating a process and reaching a decision, this will Increase patient satisfaction and contributing to

financial efficiency. 


OSC for lap. Cholecystectomy will be applied in healthcare facilities to cover all levels of healthcare.

it will be mainly applied at secondary care (hospitals) level.

Before the establishment of OSC for lap. Cholecystectomy, all cases of gallstones were referred from

health centers to specialized clinics (general surgery) through Mawid system. This led to long waiting

periods for patients to reach the clinic, often requiring multiple visits for diagnosis, consequently

increasing the incidence of complications.  


Accessing the OSC 

Referral process to the OSC for lap.cholecystectomy:


Based on the initial patient's assessment,PHC physicians assess the patients


who have signs and symptoms of gall stones are recommended to be


referred to OSC through mawid system by the PHC physician


PHC physicians will document history and physical examination of the patient


 in mawid system to be referred

Initial assessment

The patient will Booking an appointment at PHC physician in primary health care center

nurses will document patient vital signs ( blood pressure,tempreture,heart rate) 

The physician will take history and physical examnation

referral criteria for OSC for lap.cholecystectomy:

Recurrent episodes of right-upper-quadrant or epigastric pain.

Intense pain in the upper-right side of the abdomen 

Pain occur after fatty meal and almost always happen at night

Known case of gall bladder stones 

if the patient have these criteria will be referred by PHC physician

OSC for lap.cholecystectomy assessment 

surgeon will assess patient condition by takeing history and examination.

surgeon will order labs and ultrasound for the patient 

patient complete the required investigations at same day

After surgeon consultation patient will booked to see Anesthetist in the same day to provides pre-anesthetic preparation and patient evaluation.

Operation Room coordinator will scheduled patient surgery  within 3 weeks from first visit of one stop clinic ,  enter data and complete paperwork.      

OR coordinator will remind and confirmed patient appointment 48 hours before day surgery



The patient will undergo to Laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure 


Required investigations

Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test helps evaluate for signs of infection or other abnormalities.

Liver Function Tests (LFTs): These blood tests help assess liver function and determine if there's any

evidence of bile duct obstruction or liver disease. 

Coagulation Profile: This assesses the patient's blood clotting ability to ensure they can safely undergo


Ultrasound: This is usually the initial imaging study of choice to diagnose gallstones and assess the

gallbladder's condition.
