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CreatedOn: 14 May, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 21 May, 2024

Health Edutainment Programs

What about Health Edutainment ?

The Health Edutainment Program aims at improving population’s health-related behaviors through offering well designed entertaining learning platforms that are suitable for all age groups.

Many advantages exist for health edutainment in the hospital environment, making it a crucial component of pediatric treatment. Diverting attention from suffering and discomfort, aids in stress reduction, gives kids a sense of control in an unfamiliar setting, and promotes recovery. Health edutainment offers healthcare professionals the chance to learn more about the ideas, emotions, and actions of their patients.


Fit or not Fit for Health edutainment?

Depending on the patient health and the direct assessment of the treating physician, an approval form wether the patient is fit or not fit for certain health edutainment programs in-hospital is aquired.

"Form will be attached later"


Which Health Edutainment Program?
  • Different Health edutainment programs tailored for different patients depending on their overall health and fitness for such programs, that includes:
    • Art station.
    • Card games.
    • Video games.
    • etc..



No specefic requests for labs or imaging needed.


In progress