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CreatedOn: 21 May, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 30 May, 2024

Screening Programs


Screening programs are systematic approaches aimed at identifying individuals in a population who may have a particular disease or condition before symptoms manifest. These programs typically involve the use of medical tests, examinations, or other procedures to detect diseases or risk factors at an early stage. The primary goals of screening programs are to reduce morbidity and mortality by enabling early intervention and treatment, as well as to improve overall public health outcomes.

The introduction of screening programs often involves several key steps:

  1. Identification of Target Population: This involves determining the specific group of individuals who are at risk of the disease or condition being screened for. Factors such as age, gender, genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and environmental exposure may influence the selection of the target population.

  2. Selection of Screening Test: Screening tests should be reliable, valid, acceptable to the target population, and cost-effective. The choice of screening test depends on factors such as the nature of the disease, available resources, and the characteristics of the target population.

  3. Development of Screening Protocol: This includes defining the procedures for administering the screening test, establishing guidelines for result interpretation, and outlining the steps for follow-up diagnostic evaluation and treatment for individuals who screen positive.

  4. Communication and Education: Informing the target population about the purpose, benefits, and limitations of the screening program is crucial for participation and informed decision-making. Educational materials, public campaigns, and healthcare provider training can help raise awareness and encourage participation.

  5. Implementation and Evaluation: The screening program is then implemented according to the established protocol. Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of the program. This may involve tracking screening uptake rates, diagnostic yield, health outcomes, and cost-effectiveness.

  6. Adaptation and Improvement: Screening programs should be periodically reviewed and adapted based on new evidence, changes in disease prevalence or risk factors, technological advancements, and feedback from stakeholders. Continuous improvement efforts aim to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of the screening program over time.



Breast Cancer

When the patient come to the primary health center (PHC), the following procedure is performed by the PHC coordinator and Physician

For more Details: Breast Cancer Assessment



Colon Cancer

Early and Periodic Screening for Colorectal Cancer: The severity of colorectal cancer can vary based on factors

For more Details: Colon Cancer Assessment



Based on Cardiovascular Risk Stratification ASSESSMENT

For more Details: Hypertension Assessment


Diabetes mellitus

See: Diabetes Assessment



Patients or population are categorized depending on their BMI into levels

For more Details: Obesity Assessment



Breast Cancer

The breast cancer treatment options based on type of breast cancer, its stage and grade, size, and whether the cancer cells are sensitive to hormones

For Details: Brest Cancer Management


Colon Cancer

Treatment options depend on the following:

1.    Type of tumor.

2.    Place of tumor.

3.    Stage and spread of tumor.

4.    General condition of the patient.

5.    Having other diseases.

For Details: Colon Cancer Management



See: Hypertension Management


Diabetes mellitus

DM Pathway undergo Standers of Care in Diabetes – 2023

For Details: Diabetes Management



See: Obesity Management



Breast Cancer

See: Brest Cancer Request


Colon Cancer

See: Colon Cancer Request



Lab Tests: Hypertension Request

Community Screening Guidelines: Hypertension Request



Screening:Diabetes Request

Lab Tests:Diabetes Request

Referral Guidelines:Diabetes Request



See: Obesity Request


Breast Cancer

Toolkit + National early detection of breast cancer:

Brest Cancer Information


Colon cancer

Toolkit: Colon Cancer Information

For more Information:

Colorectal Cancer Early Detection



Toolkit + Policy

Hypertension Information

For more Information:

What is Hypertension



Toolkit + Policy

Obesity Information

For more Information:

What is Obesity