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CreatedOn: 15 May, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 20 May, 2024

One stop clinic for treatment abnormal uterine bleeding

About OSC for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding 

OSC for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the initiatives of the new Model of Care (MoC) in the Al-Qassim Region, linked within the programs of the planned care system.

It aims to Accelerating a process and reaching a decision, this will Increase patient satisfaction and contributing to financial efficiency. 


OSC for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding will be mainly applied at secondary care (hospitals) level.

Before the establishment of OSC for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding , All cases of  abnormal uterine bleeding were referred from health centers to specialized clinics (OB/GYN) through Mawid system. This led to long waiting periods for patients to reach the clinic, often requiring multiple visits for diagnosis, consequently increasing the incidence of complications.


Initial assessment

-The patient will Booking an appointment at PHC physician in primary

 health care center

-nurses will document patient vital signs ( blood pressure,tempreture,heart


-The physician will take history and physical examnation

-referral criteria for OSC for tratment abnormal uterine bleeding:

very heavy uterine bleeding
anemic secondary to heavy uterine bleeding, or
failure of medical treatment in women under 40 years old, or
if the patient has polycystic ovarian disease  with abnormal uterine bleeding
Obese patient with abnormal uterine bleeding
Pre-menopause women with menorrhagia of recent onset, persistent intermenstrual bleeding , pelvic pain
 or pressure symptoms
Patient with post-menopausal uterine bleeding
Patient  on Tamoxifen with Abnormal uterine bleeding

-if the patient have these criteria will be referred by PHC physician

Assessing of OSC for abnormal uterine bleeding   

- OB/GYN specialist will assess patient condition by taking history and examination.

If can manage the case in the screening clinic will discharge the patient

- if OB/GYN specialist assess the patient and need to see consultant will referral to consultant clinic and order labs and ultrasound for the patient 

-patients complete the required investigations (labs,CBC,coagulation profile, hormonal profile) before the appointment with consultant clinic

-After consultant consultation will give the patient final management plan



the managment will depend on patient condition

we have some managment plans such as:

-medications and follow up through virtual clinic

-patient for surgery


-discharge(patient stable and managed)


Requested investigations

Complete blood count (CBC): To assess for anemia or other blood disorders that may be associated with abnormal uterine bleeding.

Thyroid function tests: To evaluate thyroid function, as thyroid disorders can cause menstrual irregularities.

Coagulation studies: Such as prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and platelet count to assess for bleeding disorders.

Hormonal profile
