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CreatedOn: 20 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 19 May, 2024

What is HealthPathways?

Al Qassim Model of Care Delivery Health Pathways

              Health Pathways is an online resource and collaborative platform designed to support healthcare professionals in delivering consistent and evidence-based care. It provides healthcare professionals with locally relevant clinical information, guidelines, and referral pathways. It aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery by providing a standardized approach to managing common conditions and streamlining the referral process.

               The platform consists of a collection of pathways, which are step-by-step guides that outline the recommended assessment, management, and referral processes for specific health conditions. These pathways are developed collaboratively by local healthcare professionals, including general practitioners, specialists, and other relevant stakeholders.
                HealthPathways encourages a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare and promotes consistency in clinical decision-making. It helps healthcare professionals navigate the complexity of the healthcare system by providing information on available services, local resources, and referral criteria. By using HealthPathways, healthcare professionals can access up-to-date clinical information, reduce unwarranted variation in care, improve patient outcomes, and enhance communication and collaboration among healthcare providers.

HealthPathways purpose

HealthPathways offers primary care clinicians locally agreed information to make the right decisions, together with patients, at the point of care.

What's different about HealthPathways?
  1. HealthPathways is designed and written for use during a primary care consultation.
  2. Each pathway provides clear and concise guidance for assessing and managing a patient with a particular symptom or condition in primary care.
  3. Pathways also include information about making requests to services in the local health system.
  4. Content is develop collaboratively by general practitioners, hospital clinicians, and a wide range of other health professionals.
  5. Each pathway is evidence-informed, but also reflects local reality, and aims to preserve clinical autonomy and patient choice.
  6.  HealthPathways serves to reduce unwarranted variation and accelerate evidence into practice.
  7. HealthPathways was originally developed to support a whole-of-system approach to patient-centred care.
    HealthPathways vision

    The vision for the HealthPathways platform is to enable a network of people in health systems around Al Qassim to share and adapt clinical pathways to their local environment to support the aim of improved:population health.experience of care for patients.well-being of the care team.health equity.value for health system resources.

Contents of the Health Pathways

A. Assessments: identifies needs of the patient and how those needs will be addressed.

  • the systematic and continuous collection organization validation and documentation of data.
  • The nurse gathers information to identify the health status of the patient.
  • Assessments are made initially and continuously throughout patient care.
  • The remaining phases of the nursing process depend on the validity and completeness of the initial data collection.
Segments of Assessments


  1. The main components of a health assessment include inspection, palpitation, percussion, auscultation, and neurological examination.
  2. Subjective Health Assessments: an important component of this process as it allows insight into the client's state of health and illness. Depending on the context and the client's main health needs, the complete subjective health assessment may occupy the bulk of your time with the client.
  3. Objective Health Assessments:
B. Diagnosis
Types of medical diagnosis are:
  • Provisional: Based on physical exam and clinical findings.
  • Histopathological: Done by a pathologist after examining sample tissue under a microscope.
  • Final: Done based on provisional diagnosis and investigations.
C. Independent Managements (Health Coaches, Case Coordinators, Care Givers)

Dedicated to the services of acute care facilities, with limited services for behavioral health.

D. Dependent(Multidisciplinary Team and Team Base Care) Managements

Process of managing all of these interrelated tasks and resources to ensure that  overall disease management completes successfully.

E. Collaborative Managements

Care that strengthens and supports self-care in chronic illness while assuring that effective medical, preventive, and health maintenance interventions take place.

F. Inter and Intra Referrals(Private and Government Health Care Entities)

A referral management system is a robust and remarkable tool for healthcare providers. It helps them keep up with their patient referrals during their period of care. The system synchronizes patient data from one physician or specialist to another, as well as to the patient.

G. Informations 
  1. For Health Care Professionals: Policies and Toolkits Attached
  2. For Patients
H. International and Local Citations
  1. World Health Organization
  2. NHS Website 
  3. North Sydney Health 
  4. Ministry of Health
  5. Model of Care , Al Qassim Health Cluster