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CreatedOn: 20 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 20 May, 2024

Minor Surgery

About minor surgery clinic

Minor surgery clinic is one of the initiatives of the new Model of Care(MoC)

in the Al-Qassim Region, linked within the programs of the planned care system.

Reducing the pressure on specialty clinics while improving the quality of service and care for patients.          



Minor surgery clinic will be mainly applied at primary health care level.

Before the establishment of minor surgery clinic in PHC, All cases that need minor procedures were referred from health centers to specialized clinics (general surgery) through Mawid system. This led to long waiting periods for patients to reach the clinic and consequently increasing the incidence of complications



Initial assessment

The patient will Booking an appointment at PHC physician in primary Health care center.


nurses will document patient vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature)


The physician will take history and physical examination


List of minor surgery cases that should be referral to minor surgery clinic In primary health care center:



     lipoma, Ingrowing nail, Sebaceous cyst



if the patient has these criteria will be referred by PHC physician




Managment of lipoma 

Surgical Removal (Excision): If the lipoma is large, causing symptoms, or is cosmetically bothersome, surgical removal may be recommended. 

Managment of Ingrowing nail

Partial Nail Removal (Partial Matrixectomy): If conservative measures fail or if the ingrown nail is recurring and causing significant pain or infection, a doctor may perform a minor surgical procedure to remove a portion of the nail

managment of Sebaceous cyst

Incision and Drainage: If the cyst becomes infected or painful, a doctor may perform a minor surgical procedure to drain the cyst


Required equipment and tools

OR bed ( or any bed that can move up and down )


Portable  OR lamps


Dressing trolleys


Instrument rack for medical  supplies


Cabinet for the instruments




Dressing set


Minor OR set


Extra instruments


2 Boxes,1 for used instruments for CSSD and 1 for sterilized instruments


Medical supplies


Sutures, blades, Tegaderm, 4x4 gauze sterile,  gloves, sterile and disposable, under pads, drapes, plaster


Supplies from pharmacy


Lidocaine inj 1%


Epinephrine 1 mg inj (optional)


Fusidine ointment




Medisol spray

 Preklenz (for the used instrument.)


Extra instrument such as




Currete, small to big


Mosquito forceps


Needle holder


Blade holder





For more information's, follow links below:

Minor surgery toolkit
