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CreatedOn: 20 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 20 May, 2024

One Day Surgery

About enhancement of one day surgery 

Enhancement of One-day surgery is one of the initiatives of the new Model


of Care (MoC) in the Al-Qassim Region, linked within the programs of the


planned care system.


it aims to Reduce surgery waiting time and increase patient satisfaction,


 increase bed turns overs and optimal utilization of resources and Reduce


length of stay.


Enhancement of one day surgery will be mainly applied at secondary care
(hospitals) level.
before Enhancment of one day surgery, the patients need to multiple Visits
to surgery OPD clinic for diagnosis and booking the surgery.




Initial assessment


      Patients may be referred for day surgery from outpatient clinics, emergency 


      departments or primary health care.


      Patient should visit the hospital only once prior to surgery 


      first visit to surgery OPD


      same day visit the anesthesia clinic


      same day get lab investigations done, ECG & Chest X ray


      next visit will be on the day of surgery 


      Patients recommended for Day Surgery are selected according to the




      General Patient Selection:


      Patients of physical status of ASA I or II or medically stable ASAIII. 


      Careful assessment of medical co-morbidities is undertaken in all


      patients with particular attention potentially difficult airway.


      A nominal BMI is established of which patients would be referred


      or early consultation with an anesthetist.




      Infants and children are suitable provided specific arrangements


      or their treatment are made. 


      All infants and/or Pediatric patients over one-month old are usually 


      appropriate to undergo day surgery. A higher age limit is advisable for  


      premature infants (60 weeks post conceptual age) i.e. circumcision for 3


      months and above. 


      Elective surgery should wherever possible be scheduled on designated   


      children's list. Where not possible, designated time be scheduled at the


      start of the lists.



we will manag the cases depend on the protocol of each hospital

and clinical Guidelines


we explain an examples of managment plan for some cases such as:  


Managment Lymph node excision or biopsy

Lymph Node Biopsy: This procedure involves removing a small sample of tissue from a lymph node to examine it under a microscope. It's often used to diagnose infections, inflammation, or cancer within the lymph nodes. There are different types of lymph node biopsies, including fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core needle biopsy, and surgical biopsy.

Lymph Node Excision: This procedure involves the complete removal of one or more lymph nodes. It's typically done when there's suspicion of cancer or when a biopsy suggests a more extensive examination is needed. Excision allows for a more thorough evaluation of the lymph node(s) and surrounding tissues.

managment Excision of breast lump

Procedure: the surgeon removes the lump along with a margin of surrounding healthy tissue to ensure complete removal of the abnormal cells. The extent of tissue removed depends on factors such as the size and location of the lump and the characteristics of the tumor.

managment of Tonsillectomy

Procedure:  the tonsils are removed through the mouth, usually using a scalpel, electrocautery, radiofrequency ablation, or a specialized device such as a coblation wand. The choice of technique depends on factors such as the patient's age, medical history, and surgeon's preference.

managment of Adenoidectomy

Procedure:  the adenoids are removed through the mouth, usually using a curette or suction device. In some cases, specialized instruments or techniques such as powered instrumentation may be used. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning the patient can go home the same day.





Required investigations

complete blood count (CBC): To assess for anemia, infection, or bleeding disorders.

coagulation studies: Such as prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and

international normalized ratio (INR) to assess coagulation status.

chest X-ray: To assess lung health and rule out underlying pulmonary conditions.

electrocardiogram (ECG): To evaluate cardiac function and detect any underlying heart rhythm


ultrasound or CT scans may be ordered if specifically indicated for the planned surgery.

pregnancy test: For female patients of childbearing age to rule out pregnancy, as some medications and

anesthesia techniques may pose risks to the fetus.

