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CreatedOn: 24 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 22 May, 2024

School Health wellness

About School Health Program

        School health is considered a vital aspect of community health, starting from the student's health and raising awareness to the concern for the school environment, which will lead to and enhance a healthy community. Therefore, health and educational institutions work on developing their programs to raise health awareness and promote a healthy lifestyle among students of all ages.

     It aims to reach the goals of Vision 2030 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. School health is a collection of concepts, principles, systems, and services provided to all students with the aim of enhancing their health at an early age.

Screening Programs
  1. Visual Acuity Screening Program
  2. Dental Health Screening Program
  3. Obesity Screening program
  4. Scoliosis Screening Program
Healthy Lifestyle
  1. Healthy Food Promotion
  2. Health Education


  1. Screening is conducted at the school level in coordination with health advisors according to the following mechanism:
  2. The screening day is determined in advance in coordination with the  health advisor in the school.
  3. Schools are provided in advance with screening forms to distribute to the targeted students.
  4. The health advisor delivers the screening forms to the medical team on the day of the visit.
  5. The health advisor prepares suitable places for conducting the medical examination and ensures privacy for the students (preferably in the school clinic if available).
  6. The nurse opens the electronic file and records the basic data of the students.
  7. The screening is conducted by a trained team consisting of physicians, dentists or oral health specialists, and nurses. The size of the team is determined based on the number of targeted students, and roles are distributed among the medical team members.
  8. The team prepares the necessary equipment and materials for the examination and implements preventive measures well before the examination.
  9. The screening is conducted according to the targeted examinations for each grade according to the guide, and guidance and referral are provided as needed.
  10. The results of the screening are recorded electronically in the program.
  11. Guidance and referral are provided to the student according to the health problem.


  • For detailed assessment:


  1. Referral:
  2. Any positive cases found during the screening program will be referred to the Primary Health Center (PHC) for further evaluation and treatment.
  3. Notification:
  4. The parents of the student with the positive case will be notified about the findings and the referral to the PHC.
  5. Follow-up:
  6. A follow-up for the referred cases is conducted by contacting the parents to ensure that the student receives the necessary medical care. The follow-up process involves checking if the student has visited the PHC and if any treatment or intervention has been initiated.
  7. Documentation:
  8. The outcomes of the referral and follow-up should be documented for record-keeping and to monitor the student's health status.
  9. Health Education:
  10. In addition to medical management, health education may be provided to the student and parents to address any lifestyle or environmental factors that may contribute to the health issue.
  11. Coordination with School:
  12. The school health team should coordinate with the school administration and teachers to facilitate any necessary adjustments or accommodations for the student's health condition.


Referral Procedures

In the event of discovered cases:

  • School health team shall refer the student to the nearest PHC through Mawid.
