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CreatedOn: 26 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 03 Jun, 2024

Virtual Clinic


 Development of new virtual healthcare technologies is growing rapidly and playing a more prominent role in health systems. Therefore, the role of virtual clinic was activated in the Qassim Health Cluster on 04/07/2021, Which The Virtual Clinics Service enables patients to get medical care via «Sehhaty» App; in terms of facilitating their access to integrated health services remotely, whether for follow-up or new appointments.      

The goals and purpose of this initiative include:
1. Facilitating Access: Providing patients with remote access to integrated health services for follow-up or new appointments.

2. Reducing Non-Emergency Visits: Decreasing the number of patient visits to hospitals and healthcare centres for non-emergency cases.

3. Preventing Virus Spread: Contributing to the containment of infectious diseases by limiting physical contact.

4. Improving Patient Satisfaction: Saving time and effort required for patients to obtain health services.

5. Service Mechanism: Allowing patients to book appointments and consult with doctors remotely via individual massage by Sehhaty.

The importance of virtual clinics is underscored by their role in:
Enhancing Specialized Care: Bridging geographical distances to provide timely specialized medical care.
Optimizing Healthcare Efficiency: Raising the efficiency of healthcare services by supporting and assisting healthcare providers.
Health Sector Transformation: As part of Vision 2030, expanding e-health services and digital solutions to improve the quality of care and adhere to international standards.
Overall, virtual clinics are a significant step towards modernizing the healthcare system in Saudi Arabia, making it more accessible, efficient, and responsive to the needs of its population.


Virtual clinics in Saudi Arabia are part of the country’s efforts to enhance healthcare services by leveraging technology. The Ministry of Health has initiated projects to enable patients to receive medical care remotely through the Sehhaty App. This service is designed to facilitate access to integrated health services from a distance, which is particularly useful for follow-up or new appointments, reducing the need for non-emergency visits to hospitals and healthcare centers.

 The Seha Virtual Hospital, launched in February 2022, is the first of its kind in the Middle East and the largest virtual hospital in the world. It reflects the long-term transformative effects of technology on healthcare, supporting all hospitals and primary health care centers in the Qassim Health Cluster, and providing Several health services. This initiative is part of Vision 2030, aiming to promote telemedicine and digital health to improve access to healthcare and enhance its quality.

The virtual hospital employs advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and medical imaging algorithms to prioritize urgent medical interventions and increase the accuracy of disease diagnosis. Augmented reality solutions assist surgeons with advice and knowledge transfer during complex surgeries, and the Internet of Things enables remote patient monitoring.

Overall, virtual clinics and hospitals in Saudi Arabia are becoming a hub for AI-based healthcare in the region, offering fairer, quicker, and less expensive access to care from any part of the country.





On the day of the appointment, the practitioner conducts the virtual session. After the consultation finish the treating physician should document the assessment and progress on the electronic patient record and short notes on telehealth tool and mark the session as complete successfully. If Prescription or laboratory investigations required, it will be through HER and patients will receive the medication through the post. Once the virtual session is conducted, details such as follow-up, referral will be sent to the coordinator to take the required action.


Various assessments can be conducted depending on the nature of the clinic and the patient's needs. Here are some common assessments:

·        Medical History: Gathering information about the patient's medical history, including current symptoms, past illnesses, medications, allergies, and family medical history.

·        Symptom Assessment: Assessing the patient's current symptoms, their severity, duration, and any factors that alleviate or exacerbate them.

·        Physical Examination: While limited compared to an in-person visit, certain aspects of a physical examination can be conducted virtually, such as observing the patient's appearance, posture, and movements.

·        Mental Health Screening: Assessing mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, or stress through standardized questionnaires or interviews.

·        Functional Assessment: Evaluating the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living and assessing any functional limitations they may have.

·        Diagnostic Assessment: Ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests such as blood tests, imaging studies, or electrocardiograms (ECGs) as needed.

·        Risk Assessment: Assessing the patient's risk factors for various diseases and conditions, such as cardiovascular risk assessment or cancer risk assessment.

·        Medication Review: Reviewing the patient's current medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements, to assess for appropriateness, potential interactions, and adherence.

·        Lifestyle Assessment: Assessing the patient's lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep habits, stress levels, and substance use, and providing guidance for healthy behaviors.

·        Education and Counseling: Providing education and counseling on various health topics, including disease management, preventive care, and lifestyle modifications.

These assessments can be conducted via video calls, phone calls, secure messaging platforms, or through electronic health record systems in a virtual clinic setting.






·        Virtual Consultation: Patients connect with healthcare providers via video or telehealth platforms at the scheduled appointment time. During the consultation, providers review the patient's medical history, discuss symptoms, perform assessments as appropriate, and develop treatment plans.

·        Clinical Documentation: Providers document the virtual consultation in the patient's electronic health record (EHR), including notes on the patient's history, examination findings, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations. This documentation ensures continuity of care and legal compliance.

·        Diagnostic Tests and Prescriptions: may order diagnostic tests or imaging studies for the patient. Prescriptions can be sent electronically to the patient's preferred pharmacy. Patients may also receive instructions for self-care or follow-up monitoring.

·        Follow-up and Care Coordination: Providers schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the patient's progress, adjust treatment plans, and address any concerns. They may collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as specialists or therapists, to coordinate comprehensive care.

·        Patient Education and Support: Providers offer educational resources, instructions, and guidance to help patients understand their health conditions, treatment options, and self-management strategies. This may include sharing digital handouts, links to reputable websites, or interactive tools.




·        Lab Tests: Many routine laboratory tests can be ordered remotely, including blood tests, urine tests, and stool tests. Patients can visit a local  PHC and results can be sent directly to the virtual clinic.

·        Telepsychiatry Assessments: Mental health assessments can be conducted via video conferencing, allowing providers to assess symptoms, conduct screenings, and develop treatment plans remotely.

·        Teleophthalmology Services: remote eye exams and screenings through teleophthalmology platforms. Patients can upload images of their eyes for review by ophthalmologists, who can then provide recommendations for further evaluation or treatment.


For more information, follow the links below:

Rules of Telehealth.

Service manual.