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CreatedOn: 21 Mar, 2024
LastUpdatedOn: 15 May, 2024

Premarital screenings

What About Premarital Screening Program: 

              Marriage is the fundamental building block of society, and the cornerstone in building emotional, healthy, and family relationships. The healthy marriage guarantees preventing the family members from the hereditary and infectious diseases; thus, building a happy and stable family.

Healthy Marriage:

         Defined as state of agreement and harmony between the marriage partners regarding to the healthy, psychological, sexual, social, and legislative aspects, aiming at making a sound family and begetting healthy children.

Premarital Screening:

              Defined  as testing couples who are planning to get married  soon for common genetic blood disorders (e.g. sickle cell anemia and beta thalassemia) and infectious  diseases (e.g. hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS). The premarital screening aims to give medical consultation on the odds of transmitting the abovementioned diseases to the other partner/spouse or children and to provide partners/spouses with options that help them plan for healthy family.

Objectives of Premarital Screening Program:  
  • Premarital medical examination become compulsory in 2004 to:
  • Limiting the spread of some genetic blood diseases (e.g. sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia) and  infectious diseases (e.g. hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS).

  • Promoting awareness about the concept of the comprehensive healthy marriage.

  • Reducing pressure over health institutions and blood banks.

  • Avoiding the social and psychological problems for families whose children suffer.

  • Reducing the family and community’s financial burdens of treating the injured persons.

 Hence, those couple, who are planning to get married soon, are advised to conduct the premarital screening at least three months before the marriage date; so that the couple can plan their lives better, as the premarital compatibility certificates is valid for only six months. The screening for infectious diseases can also be reconducted when needed.


  1.  Registration is done through the MOH E-Services i.e. MAWID, SEHATTY, OR 937-CALL CENTER

  2. The National ID and Date of Birth are submitted both for each of the couple who are seeking for

  3.  The couples, who are planning to get married, are received together or separately in any of the accredited centers for Pre-Marriage Screening.

  4. Blood Extraction is done at the center

  5.  If the Laboratory rejects the blood sample that has been drawn from the patient for any reason, a message is sent to notify the couple that their sample was rejected and recommend to visit the screening center to have a new blood sample extracted.

  6. The screening results are obtained according to the following.

  7. If both spouses are healthy

  8. A compatibility certificate is issued for them.

  9. A text message is received that will include the certificate number, and a link to

    inquire about it.

    If the results of either spouse are positive

    1. A text message is received informing the couple that an appointment must be made at the counseling clinic.
    2. The couple attends the counseling, and follows the necessary preventive measures necessary
    3. The certificate is issued and sent via SMS
    4. Premarital clinics are connected electronically with ministry of justice, which responsible for issuing marriage certificate.
    5. Once all results are assuring, premarital medical certificate is approved and issued.



  1. Blood test will be taken in PHC and to be sent to reference lab.
  2. Lab Results is routinely added in current system.

  3. In case of blood sample error, premarital employee will contact service beneficiary to repeat sampling.

  4. Abnormal results: same process, premarital clinic employee will communicate with counselling team to set up an OPD.

  1. Reception easy accessed.

  2. Rooms in PHC should be easy accessed, acceptable space and privacy.

  3. Blood sampling and transportation should be available in the chosen PHC.

  4.  Clinic employee should be able to follow lab results and communicate with service beneficial in  case of lab error.

Action plan:
  1. Health education
  2. Vaccination of women with the MMR vaccine.

  3. Laboratory examination of the auditors and the results end within a maximum of 10 days.

  4. Providing advice to cases through counseling clinics.

  5. Issuance of compatibility and compatibility  certificates



  1. Hematology (sickle cell anemia, B thalassemia, G6PD, Hemophilia).

  2. Serology (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis).



For more information, follow the links below:
For more information or clarification, please contact the Model of Care Department in Qassim Health Cluster through:
  • Dr Fatimah AlRibdi/ MOC lead  
  • Dr. Suleiman Al Mazam/ Safe Birth lead
  • Email Safe Birth System: qhc-mocsb@moh.gov.sa